And wasn't the punishment for certain sins/crimes 40 strokes?
40 seems to be more than coincidental.
didn't god punish the jews who fell back to calf worship by not allowing them into the promised land?.
well i remember that the jews wandered in the wilderness for 40 years until the generation of calf worshippers died out!.
only 40 years for an entire generation!!
And wasn't the punishment for certain sins/crimes 40 strokes?
40 seems to be more than coincidental.
"i believe in one god, and no more; and i hope for happiness beyond this life.
i believe the equality of man, and i believe that religious duties consist in doing justice, loving mercy, and endeavoring to make our fellow-creatures happy.
but, lest it should be supposed that i believe many other things in addition to these, i shall, in the progress of this work, declare the things i do not believe, and my reasons for not believing them.
I think that's why progress has to be measured not by whether the WTS is somehow destroyed or shut down but by their struggles to maintain the status quo they wish to maintain.
Any change forced on them by a lack of donations is a victory.
Any change they feel compelled to make due to legal defeats is a victory.
Any change they make in response to perceived disgruntlement of the rank and file is a victory.
Any additional member of the conscious class, whether known or in secret, is another victory.
As long as there are countries with extreme religious freedom the WTS will have a niche in this world's society. But as long as there are continued victories, however small, there remains hope for ourselves and for our loved ones still ensnared.
in the last 18 years..
it's looking up for the non-religious.
Looks like a good time to go to New England, Wyoming, or Montana.
hello,im not sure this is the right place to post,anyway ive never been a jw but i have a very good friend that is,lately her mother has been telling me to go to the meetings and i went only once because after that ive been to research alot about them and i didnt like what i saw at all.. anyway the thing is that i asked my friend is the following.
"can you disfellowship jw with no problem?
"she said "yes,you just need to inform them".. i already knew the answer should be no cause they are shunned and this couldnt possibly be,.
Lets remember we're discussing this with an 18 year old kid about helping a 14 year old kid. I don't think it's really appropriate to get into a pissing match while we're trying to help save people from a destructive mind control cult.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
is this bill bowen of silent lambs?.
Good for him!
Entrepreneurship at work.
a few months ago there was a thread about a couple of elders at the mill hill bethel being disfellowshipped because they disagreed with some wt doctrine (i can't recall exactly what it was) and that several other betheliteswere under 'investigation'.
i haven't heard anything since, does anyone know anything more about this?.
borghater xx.
Sarah, I think your point is valid and that it goes along with what paulapollos was saying. The JWs are no better than anyone else, though they claim to be so very different and superior to "the world."
"The way of 'the truth' is the best way of living," and all that crap. It isn't. They're driven by the same things everyone else is: self interest.
many here have stopped going to the kh and many have just reduced activity to some degree.
while today is not that day for me, i have had the "screw it all" attitude every now and again and was ready to tell the wt off, call the p.o.
or whoever, call my mother and tell her all about the "god-damned cult" she's in and why it's just wrong.
Thank you for that post, sd-7. What a refreshing and empowering perspective.
"i believe in one god, and no more; and i hope for happiness beyond this life.
i believe the equality of man, and i believe that religious duties consist in doing justice, loving mercy, and endeavoring to make our fellow-creatures happy.
but, lest it should be supposed that i believe many other things in addition to these, i shall, in the progress of this work, declare the things i do not believe, and my reasons for not believing them.
Proud member for as long as I can stand it. I just feel like it's going to be over for me soon, though. It's just really hard to sit through meetings now.
this evening i'm watching the news channels.
i was crying when i saw the news about haiti.. i can not understand if there is a higher power (jehovah / jesus) that this can happen.
if there is loving god, why this poor people have to suffer so much?
I don't believe God acts in the world in any supernatural way. When/if he acts, it is through us who were created in his image and possess his breath of life. I think Heinlein's character Valentine Michael Smith had it pretty close to right: "Thou art god."